Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Entrepreneur's Guide to Hiring Employees

Hiring staff can be time-consuming, but if you cut corners, there's a good chance you won't get the right employee. Today I want to share with you some vital tips to recruiting a good employee which I learned from the book "The Mafia Manager". If you have not read the book “The Mafia Manager”; then you are definitely missing some unconventional business lessons. If you are ready to learn, then please read on.

1.            It is not necessary to have a large family with many soldiers and button men. In fact, the fewer employees you have, the fewer betrayals or disappointments you will experience. Many employees, many betrayals, many disappointments and also higher overhead.
2.            Your staff must be of the highest possible quality in critical positions. One good man is, of course, better than a hundred fools.
3.            For a truly responsible job involving others in its performance; don’t hire someone just out of school, no matter how impressive his record. Hire the person who already has demonstrated an ability to work with others.
4.            For jobs less critical to the success of your organization, you will want to hire a good attitude before experience. Attitude reveals itself in a number of ways. For example, if an applicant asks about salary early on in his first interview; his is a bad attitude and moreover, he is stupid.
5.            For a truly vital job, don’t hire a high powered expert; no matter how impressive his credentials. Experts care only about their credentials and their fees; and their caring never stops.
6.            Don’t hire more than two members of a household (except possibly your own) and never hire lovers or husband and wife; no matter how necessary their individual skills may be to your organization.
7.            Before you hire, you will interview. Knowing what skills and performance you want from the person you will hire give applicants time to think about your questions on those matters.
8.            Be specific in your questioning. Generalities begat general (thus useless) responses. Require applicants to be specific in their answers. Use the questions “why” and “how” to follow up responses.
9.            As for the interview strategy itself, seat applicants beside you if possible; rather than across the desk from you, in order for you to better gauge his reactions. Pick up his/her resume, frowning every now and then as if pondering on something. When this bit of play acting is finished; and the applicant suitably is unsettled by it, begin by asking the applicant why he wants the vacant job and why he feels qualified to do it. Let him sell himself as much as he wants to; interrupting only with specific questions. Finally, if the applicant is presently working, ask him why he wants to change jobs.
10.          If the applicant should frown, squirm or stroke his cheek with apparent concern while you are outlining the job difficulties; you should begin kissing him off. In polite language, let your feelings be known to the applicant. Unless the applicant tries to sell himself back into contention, do kiss him off. Tell him you have others to interview and you will let him know, one way or the other in a day or two.
11.          Also kiss off any applicant who is full of questions about his career’s future with you.
12.          In any case, close interviews when you have found out all you need to know; whether this takes five minutes or fifty.
13.          When an applicant seems worth another look, check out his business references and employment history. Forget about personal references; he’s not going to list someone who will bum rap him. If you happen to know one or more of his personal refs, a call or two may get you some useful inside info.
14.          Bring in the most likely candidate for a second interview, preferably at lunch and at this meeting; zap him with whatever you may have turned up bogus in his business references or employment history. If those doubts; real or imagined are resolved to your satisfaction, sell the job to the applicant.
15.          Sell the job; make no promises of future raises, promotions or broadening of responsibilities. What the applicant gets is what he gets; nobody, not even you have the crystal ball that works. Let him do the job applied for and we’ll see what happens.
16.          Following your selling of the job, pose a few hypothetical problems the applicant may encounter on the job and ask him how he might go about meeting them. If the applicant passes muster; make an offer and hire him. If not, back to the office to schedule a second interview with the next most likely candidate.
And lastly, never you hire someone of the opposite sex in hopes of future erotic reward. It might be the beginning of the end for your business. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Food Cart Business

Food is one thing that will never cease to be in demand as long as life is in existence. Food is needed at every point in time or country and food cart is one of the easiest way to make food readily available. It is also one of the affordable ways to enter into the food business.

One of the greatest advantage of this business is that it is mobile and you tend to sell faster because you are taking the food right to the door step of your customers. Another advantage is that if you find yourself in a poor location, you can easily move your cart to a better location where you will be able to make better sales. From an entrepreneurial standpoint, kiosks and food cart have a lower overhead than restaurants and can be moved if one location does not generate enough business. Rather than having to determine where to open a restaurant and worry about the old real-estate adage "location, location, location," the owner can actually drive to a new location if business is poor.

The third advantage is that the start-up cost for this business is cheaper than a restaurant. So, if you are planning to start a small business but don’t actually know which business to start, you can as well give food cart business a trial. But before you start, you have to start off on a good note, here’s how to start a food cart business.

1. Conduct a feasibility research
The first thing to do before starting a food cart business is to conduct a research. The research should include your start-up cost, projected expenses, revenue projection, marketing strategies, human resources and a list of the challenges the business will have to overcome to achieve success.

2. Decide on your business location
Areas of high traffic such as schools, malls, large commercial areas, busy intersections, terminals and supermarkets are good locations to operate your food cart business. But make sure you carry out a thorough research in the area of your location because it is your location that determines the level of sales that you will make.

3. Register your business
In other to ensure an easy and undisturbed running of your food cart business, you have to register the business with certain government bodies like DTI for sole proprietorship or SEC for partnership, bureau of internal revenue, food regulatory authorities, etc. You have to also get a clearance from the department of health.

4. Construct your cart
For a start, go for an affordable but admirable cart but before constructing your cart, you need to consider the type of food you want to sell. If you intend to sell burger or other foods that requires you prepare it on set, you might require a larger cart.

5. Brand yourself
After getting your cart ready, the next step is to brand your food cart with your business logo or business name. Consult a graphic designer to help you in designing your logo or color scheme on your cart.

6. Get Connected
Running a food cart business is not all about vending food on a mobile cart during lunch hours in a crowded area. You may need to advertise yourself both online and otherwise. By so doing, you get to connect your business to vast corners of the world. So many food cart business owners make their money by catering special event and cooperate functions.

7. Hire highly motivated personnel
Great care must be taken when hiring the right employees to help run your food cart business. You need to hire a hardworking and trustworthy person with a good hygiene. You must ensure the applicant is good in simple arithmetic. Lastly, a cheerful attitude and a presentable appearance is important to draw customers.

A food cart business is an easy business venture and it is advisable for young entrepreneurs. This is because it requires little capital and it is easy to run. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

How to Open your own Tattoo Shop Business?

Are you an artist or have artistic tendencies? Are you interested in taking your art to the most versatile canvas available, which is the skin? Tattooing is popular in many areas of the world and is found in many different cultures. You can capitalize on the popularity of tattooing by setting up a tattoo shop. If you have ever wanted to run your own business as a tattoo artist, read on to learn how to set up a tattoo shop.

Enroll in a tattoo artist apprenticeship program
This program can take you 12 to 24 months to complete, but it could also be very expensive. You will gain the experience you need to become a tattoo artist, which can come in handy because you typically need to have experience in a hands-on program before you can start your own tattoo business. You won't be tattooing right away, but the program is vital to your experience.

Find a location for your shop
Set up a tattoo shop in a place where there is a lot of automotive and pedestrian traffic to help increase your potential for walk-ins. When people can see your business from the road or as they are walking past, they may be more likely to remember it and visit later.

Follow all laws involving tattoos in your local area
The requirements for starting a tattoo business will vary based on where you want to run it. There are health and safety concerns with the art of tattooing, and you will likely be subject to inspections. You also may need to have special permits to operate. Your local health department can help you determine what licensing is needed for tattooing.

Purchase all the tattooing equipment you need
You won't need to buy everything at once, and you don't have to buy everything brand new. Look in classified papers and online to find used equipment. You will need things such as a tattoo gun, needles, ink, transfers, furniture for the lobby, and a cash register.

Advertise your shop through numerous outlets
You can advertise online through paid campaigns and a business website or through social media. You can advertise locally with business cards and flyers. If your budget allows, you can also try radio or TV advertising. 

Tatoo by: Monjay Dela Paz you may call 0916.490.6976

Eight Reasons Why You Should Open a Daycare Center Business

Times are changing, the economy is getting tougher and parents are getting wiser. Back in the good old days, the father works to provide the daily needs of the family while the mother sit at home to raise the kids and take care of the family. However, in this present time; being a stay at home mother is no longer feasible. Current economic trend now demands that both parents need to work and jointly contribute financially to the welfare of their kids. Now who takes care of the kids while mom and dad is away? Well, a housemaid or babysitter can take care of the children just fine; but getting a good and trustworthy nanny is quite difficult and risky. As a mother of four i really find it hard getting a babysitter myself so i was thinking of putting up my own day care business.

Apart from the fact that running a daycare business is very lucrative, there are still other reasons why setting up a daycare business is the right business idea for you as an entrepreneur or stay-at-home mom who is in search of a good business to invest your money and time.

1.  You are in control
As a daycare business owner, you are in control of how much money you make on a daily or monthly basis; you are in control of your time and you also decide what kind of client to take in. If you are looking for a business where you will truly be your own boss, then this business is the right one for you.

2.  Opening a daycare center require low overhead
The best businesses are known to generate profit while running on a moderate overhead and low operating cost. Daycare centers can be started with very little overhead and you can also start this business from home to cut start-up cost. The major expenses involved in starting an in-home daycare center are licensing, insurance, advertising, and food.

3.   There is a growing trend towards Specialized Childcare
The high demand for specialty daycare services like drop-in care, 24 hour daycare, vacation care, sick daycare, and daycare for kids with special needs is growing daily. As a potential daycare owner, you now have the opportunity to map out a niche for yourself by providing unique services and increasing your rate per child.

4.  Daycare Business can be lucrative if done right
Now despite the current economy, daycare businesses can be very lucrative. This is because both parents in the household must now work to make ends meet. More than a quarter of stay-at-home nursing mothers or parents plan to go back to work because of the economy and as a result, they need a quality daycare center for their kids.

5.  The resource for setting up a daycare is readily available
Setting up a childcare center is definitely one of the easiest things to do because there is a lot of information at your disposal and it does not require any special skill. The internet is filled with websites dedicated to helping potential daycare business owners open their businesses and run them successfully. The equipment you need is readily available anywhere.

6.  You will have fun running a daycare business
Passion is the name of the game in this business. What this means in essence is that if you love and enjoy being around children, then this business is for you. Nothing beats being passionate about what you do because when people turn what they love doing into a business opportunity, success flows.

7.  You will spend quality time with your own children
For those who are already parents, daycare business is perfect for you because it makes it possible for you to stay home with your own children and still earn an income. A daycare business allow parents to manage their own children upbringing and increases the quality time they spend with their children.

8.  You provide job opportunities for people
As your daycare business grows, you will need to hire employees that will help you in running the business. By so doing, you have created a source of livelihood for someone out there.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Effective Time Management Tips for Entrepreneurs

Time management is very crucial to success in life and its importance is more visible in the lives of entrepreneurs. How do successful entrepreneurs like Larry Ellison, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett manage their time? How can entrepreneurs manage time effectively so that they can have more time to spend with their family? You will find the answers you seek with respect to effective time manage in this article.
As a mom entrepreneur I sometimes wonder how I still make out time to write on this blog. Managing my business and my family keeps me up 18 hours a day; yet I still find time to write. How do I make out time for this blog despite my tight schedule? How do I achieve more in less time? The answer can be found in these three keywords: “Effective Time Management.”

"Work smarter, not harder" 
"Time is the scarcest resource and unless it is managed, nothing else will be managed." – Peter F. Drucker

"Waste your money and you are only out of money. But waste your time and you have lost part of your life." – Michael Lebeouf

Time is a gift of nature given freely and equally to all humans but no matter your level of success or status in life; you still get the same allocation of time. Do you know that the richest man and poorest man in the world have the same allocation of time; 24 hours? The difference comes in what they do with their time and how they both manage time. You can never build a successful business without effectively managing your time.
"Time is a versatile performer. It flies, marches on, heals all wounds, runs out and will tell." – Franklin. P. Jones

"In the world of business and investing, time and information are your greatest asset."

Today, I will be sharing with you some effective time management tips. I employ to manage my time. Below are effective time management tips for entrepreneurs.            
1.            Never allow days or weeks at work to just happen. Always think ahead and make out daily, weekly and even monthly schedules.

2.            Don't engage in too many meetings, they are great time wasters. Better still, you can send representatives or delegates on your behalf.

3.            Don't let your appointments and meetings over run.

4.            Allow your staffs filter out and attend to not too important calls, emails and letters. The important ones can be forwarded to you.

5.            Allocate your time daily to perform the following:
- Uninterrupted personal work.
- Discussion with your staff.
- Receiving and replying calls, emails and letters.
- Meeting with clients or senior managers.
- Reading business related documents.
- Attending external appointments with customers and so on.

6.            “If your neighbor gets up early, get up earlier.” – The Mafia Manager

7.            “Choose the time of day or night when your energies are highest and conduct business at that time.” – The Mafia Manager

8.            "If you see a snake, just kill it. Don't appoint a committee on snakes." – Henry Ross Perot

9.            "The rich invest in time, the poor invest in money." – Warren Buffett

10.          “Effective time management means making the most of every minute you work and making certain that you have hours every day and days every week, weeks and weeks every year when you do not have to work.” – The Mafia Manager

11.          "It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste." – Henry Ford

12.          “The best thing to invest in your business is your time. To schedule, plan and use time effectively, know your turf and know your objectives. Assess the obstacles and opportunities, then devise your strategies.” – The Mafia Manager

13.          “To everything, there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.  A time to plant and a time to harvest that; which is planted.  A time to break down and a time to build up” – Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8

14.          “The law of forced efficiency states that there is never enough time to do everything but there’s always enough time to do the most important thing.” – Anonymous
In conclusion, successful entrepreneurs create more free time for themselves by delegating most of their duties to reliable and trusted staff or professionals. When you delegate, you create more free time to attend to pressing business and family needs. Always remember that:
"Time is your greatest asset."

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Advantages of Marketing your Business Online

If you are not already marketing your business online, it is time to start. Although there are a few exceptions, almost every business can benefit from online marketing. There are so many advantages to this type of marketing and I will be briefly explaining each of these advantages.

It is cheaper than marketing through traditional media
First of all, it is extremely affordable to market your business online. Other advantages to marketing your business online include the ability to reach a large target audience, the ability to reach potential customers all over the world and the ability to customize the marketing for different sectors of the target audience.
The affordability of Internet marketing is one of many reasons why many business owners are turning to the Internet for advertising. Advertising online is incredibly affordable especially when you consider how many potential customers a business owner can reach with an online marketing campaign. Most methods of online advertising are quite affordable and some of them do not have any direct costs.
For example, you may choose to market your business online for free by participating in industry forums and posting links to your website whenever it is appropriate to do so. In this case the cost of creating and maintaining the website is insignificant in comparison to the number of potential clients you could reach through online marketing. Additionally, the costs associated with posting links to your website are incidental. You could consider the cost of having access to the Internet as part of the cost but you most likely require Internet access for other reasons as well so it is completely worthwhile.
§  You will reach a wider audience when you market your business online
Reaching a large target audience is the second reason why you should market your business online. You may have spent a great deal of time and energy doing market research and determine who your target audience is. You may have also spent a great deal of time trying to figure out the best way to reach this audience.
This is a very sound marketing principle but as it applies to marketing on local television, radio and print media it only allows you to reach a limited audience. However, when you take your marketing to the Internet you automatically and drastically increase your potential target audience because you now have the ability to reach members of your target audience around the world.
§  You are not limited by border or territory; the world is your customer
This ability to reach customers around the world is the third major reason to market your business online. Regardless of where you live and operate your business, you have the ability to reach those who have an interest in the products you sell or the services you provide no matter where they live. This makes it possible for you to do business with customers around the world.
§  You can market your business online 24/7
Another important fact is that the Internet is available 24 hours a day. This is very beneficial to those who choose to market their products or services online. Shopping for products and services in person can be very difficult especially for individuals who work long hours or those who work unusual hours. These working conditions make it difficult for these individuals to do business and make purchases of products and services they need during regular business hours.
However, business owners who have an online presence are much more convenient because unlike stores and calling centers, the website never closes. This convenience gives potential customers the ability to view products and services, compare these products and services to the ones offered by competitors and make a purchase at any hour of any day.
If you are a business owner reading this article and you do not already have a strong online presence, you need to immediately start learning more about the world of Internet marketing. This is so important because if your competitors are marketing online, you may find they are gaining a steady advantage and are becoming more appealing to potential customers. Before too many of your potential customers become loyal customers to your competitor, it is time to start figuring out how you can market your business online and keep up with the competition.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Purple and Green Laundry

Today I would like to share with you our recent completed project.
The Purple and Green Laundry & Dry Clean

Purple and Green Laundry 

Ms. Geraldine our satisfied client who availed the complete laundry business package.
Design and Construction by Eagle One Construction. 
Training and Chemicals provided by Raspberry Laundry and Dry Clean Services.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Sample Laundry Business Package Set Up Project in Mandaluyong City

Purple and Green Laundry in Mandaluyong City.
Constructed by Black Eagle 

Waiting area with storage in white ducco finish with purple and pink stripped cushion.

The counter is in pink and green laminated sheet with warm white cove lighting to give a cozy look.
Walls are painted in purple matte finish and electric green gloss finish.
We painted the laundry shelves in white gloss finish. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Business Management Success Principles for Entrepreneurs


Today i want to share with you the secrets to business success from the book "The Mafia Manager".
The Mafia Manager is a book containing the distilled wisdom of men who have managed one of the largest, most profitable and long lived cartels in the history of capitalism. The Mafia Manager gathers for the first time in one book the knowledge of the ruthless bosses whose genius at organization and management contributed far more to profitability and growth than the brute strength or conventional wisdom of the legitimate CEO.

You have undertaken to cheat me. I will not sue you because the law is too slow; I will ruin you.” – Cornelius Vanderbilt

Inside The Mafia Manager book, you are going to find loads of no-nonsense business advice and successful principles; principles that guarantee accelerated business growth. Instead of leaving you in the dark with respect to the book “The Mafia Manager,” I will do you a favor by sharing with you a tip of the iceberg of some business principles I learn from The Mafia Manager. Are you prepared to learn from a Mafia? If yes, then let’s ride:

          “Why join the navy if you can be a pirate? – Steve Jobs
You have to act and act now.” – Larry Ellison
1.            Do business with strangers as if they were brothers and with brothers as if they were strangers.
2.            The most important thing in your business relationships is your reputation for honesty. If you can genuinely and sincerely fake honesty, you will be a success. Never doubt it.
To lead people, walk behind them.” – Lao Tsu
3.            In business, the golden rule is: whoever has the most power make the rules.
 ”The meek shall inherit the earth, but not its mineral rights.” – J. Paul Getty
4.            Mind your own business but keep your eye on the other successful businesses.
5.            If your neighbor gets up early, get up earlier.
6.            Never give business advice to another that does not profit you and your own interests.
7.            Extreme problems usually require extreme solutions.
8.            People problems must sometimes be dealt with harshly. When you make an example of someone, make sure everyone knows what the lesson is. Punish one, teach a hundred
If you owe the bank $100, that’s your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that’s the bank’s problem.” – J. Paul Getty
9.            When stumped for a solution to a particularly difficult problem, look to the past for a solution.
10.          Work smarter, not harder.
11.          Choose the time of day or night when your energies are highest and conduct business at that time.
12.          Be prepared for betrayal from anyone on your staff, but especially from those you have the most trust in. Every betrayal must be repaid as quickly and as publicly as possible. If you should let a betrayal go unpunished, you are through as a leader.
13.          Remember, not even a machine is 100 percent efficient. Don’t expect the humans who work for you to be.
14.          Do not ever base your plans on achieving the best possible outcome but if it comes, welcome it – after you have examined it on every side.
15.          Many things in life are beyond our control but with people, it is usually possible to pull strings, manipulate them.
The way to make money is to buy when blood is running in the streets.” – John D. Rockefeller
16.          The best thing to invest in your business is your time. To schedule, plan and use time effectively, know your turf and know your objectives. Assess the obstacles and opportunities, then devise your strategies.
In times of rapid change, experience could be your worst enemy.” – J. Paul Getty
17.          Even if it’s your day off or you are on vacation, business comes first before anything else.
18.          Effective time management means making the most of every minute you work and making certain that you have hours everyday and days every week, weeks and weeks every year when you do not have to work.
Hell, there are no rules here. We are trying to accomplish something.” – Thomas Edison
19.          Before making an important decision, get as much as you can of the best information available and review it carefully, analyze it and draw up worst case scenarios. Add up the plus or minus factors, discuss it with your team and do what your guts tell you to do.
Screw it, let’s do it.” – Richard Branson
20.          After loyalty come ability, skill and competence. Promote only able people (and the occasional humbler). You find able people by testing them.
21.          “Don’t be too familiar with your followers; it may at first inspire affection but eventually, like all familiarity; it will breed contempt.”
22.          There will be times when you will have to be abrasive, even brutal to members of your staff. Don’t worry that your people will say bad things about you because of this. They already have. But in general, try to be pleasant and accommodating. Try to please the greatest number who work for you that you can; antagonize the fewest. Blow smoke.
Willingness to change is a strength, even if it means plunging part of the company into total confusion for a while.” – Jack Welch
23.          At meetings, have someone else float your newest ideas. Watch the reaction of the rest of your staff. Note who opposes, who supports, who links up with whom. See who responds with an open mind, whose mind is already made up, one way or the other. If you are going to walk on water, you have to know where the rocks are.
The speed of the leader determines the speed of the gang.” – Mary Kay Ash
24.          Don’t encourage overtime. Tell your people that the best way to impress you is to do a great job in the time allotted for it and then go home and relax.
25.          You are in a war. You must plan to take the other guy down first and do it. Winning is not the best thing; it’s the only thing. If it were not, no one would keep score. To win the war, you must take charge. You must set the organization’s objectives, establish a chain of control, delegate, appraise performance, adjust and act.
When somebody challenges you, fight back. Be brutal, be tough.” – Donald Trump
To win one hundred battles in one hundred victories is not the ACME of skills. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the ACME of skill.” – Sun Tzu

Trucking Business

Starting a trucking business is a great business since it is in demand. I have been thinking for some time now. Regardless if you are an entrepreneur or a truck driver, starting a trucking business must have caught your imagination also. As it stands, the trucking industry is one of the biggest businesses in the world. Hauling business and even logistics is a billion dollar business with an insatiable market. This is because transporting goods across long distances has become an important industry. No matter the industry you find yourself, you must transport bulk goods to and fro (both raw and finished goods). That makes the haulage industry a very lucrative one.

          How to Start a Trucking Business Plan (Hauling and Logistics)

Now if you are interested in knowing how to start a trucking business; you have come to the right place because I will be sharing some tips to help you succeed in this field. Your journey to starting a trucking business begins here.

1.Choose a niche

The trucking industry is very broad and to succeed in it, you must select a niche. Will you be engaged in transporting bulk goods or would you be leasing trucks to businesses in the transport industry? Will you outsource your truck to a trucking company or would you rather put your truck on a hired purchase?

Are you going to haul short or long distance? If you are to go into transportation; will you haul solid or liquid goods? These are the questions you must answer before setting out to start your own trucking business. In this article, I will focus on how to start a trucking business with respect to the transport industry; haulage to be precise.

2.Start-up Capital

The next thing you will need to begin your journey in the trucking industry is capital and you are going to need lots of it. Trucking is capital intensive and arguably the bloodiest part of starting a trucking business. Your start-up capital will largely depend on the size of the fleet you are intending to own. Are you going to buy new trucks or used trucks? There are two ways with which you can get your trucks; you can either purchase them outright or get them on lease. Another option is to look for subcontractors. While the initial investment is quite huge, you can easily get it back if you make the right management decisions.

3.Rules, regulations and insurance

Rules and regulations is the second point you must consider when starting a trucking business. There are different licenses and permits that must be filled up, which includes state registration and permits. To know what rules you’ll have to comply with, it is greatly recommended that you do your research or ask for help from someone familiar with the rules. Another important factor you must consider before starting a haulage business is insurance; which will cover the truck and the goods being transported.

4.Your management strategy

The fourth factor to look into when starting a trucking business is your management strategy to handling payload and clients. A good management team is very essential to running a successful trucking company. Your management team must be experienced in the transport industry; especially with truck management. Another important aspect of running a trucking business is your accounting process. You can buy an accounting software your business to make things easier.

5.Your services to client

What types of goods are you planning to transport? Will you haul solid, liquid or gaseous substance? Are you going to haul durable goods or perishable goods? Each type of freight has their set of requirements, so it would be best that you decide on this before you even open shop. The types of cargo you will be able to carry will determine the type of clients you will work with. And speaking of clients, you’ll need to present yourself well to get the hauling contracts you need.
No matter how big or small your business is; your outlook matters, so don’t neglect working on image and brand. Present your services, the cost of providing the services, and other added advantages or benefits that you think can make them sign up with you. Once you get the contract, give them quality service so that they’ll be enticed to keep coming back.

Challenges of starting a trucking business
Aside the issue of capital, the trucking business is management intensive. Another challenge militating against the success of trucking businesses is bad roads. The issue of bad roads results to unnecessary repairs, maintenance and accidents/hazards. The last but not the least challenge of starting a trucking business is getting good drivers. The “face” of your company is highly dependent on the type of drivers you employ, so make sure your hire drivers that are fit for the job. Check their references and background; and make sure that they’re not taking any illegal drugs. Hiring a terrible driver or being involved in an accident is going to be a disaster; not only to the finances of your company but also to your brand image, so recruit wisely.
As a final note, this is all the advice I can provide for now on how to start a trucking business. The trucking industry is quite a tough terrain to break into but the reward is worth it.

For inquiries on JAC Light Duty / Heavy Duty Trucks you may call 0917.447.4068