Self-employment has its benefits and risks.
"You're not an entrepreneur if you don't take risks."
Working From Home
Being self-employed i can work from the comfort of my own home and i can set up my working space how and where i like it. But more importantly i will not have to fork out hard earned cash on travel expenses, travel time or rent for premises.
Reap the Rewards Personally
Working for a big company means that although you can be the best employee, the hardest worker, the most experienced they have, you rarely are rewarded with a cash bonus or incentive. One of the key components to being self-employed is that all the profits belong to you!
Earn Money For Yourself
Unfortunately the fact is that we spend most of our lives at work, trying everything to earn extra cash, get a pay rise, improve ourselves personally, socially and professionally. Many of us strive to be the best to stand out from the crowd but what for? They say that 'hard work pays of' but does it really. Well yes if you're self-employed. Working hard and focusing your life on your career can pay of and more importantly will solely benefit you not the hundreds and thousands of others also working towards the same goal!
Create Your Own Success
The opportunity to succeed is now in your hands. Becoming self-employed involves a huge risk - you are now solely responsible for creating your own destiny and more importantly success. You will have no-one to blame and no-one to make excuses to or for. So work hard, plan and weigh up decisions before making them because ultimately they will affect you and your potential to succeed.
Own Working Hours
Becoming self-employed i decide when and how to work. I choose my own holidays and day off. This is an amazing advantage as i get much time to bond with my kids, enjoy my family while working on my own desired time.
Great advice. Becoming your boss isn't easy but consider what you love and how you might turn your passions into paid work and a business that you will enjoy starting, building and becoming your brilliant best at.